The Long-Term Effects of Nose Jobs

As a plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience, I have seen many patients come to me for revision rhinoplasty due to the deterioration of their previous nose jobs. It is a common misconception that nose surgery is a one-time procedure with permanent results. In reality, the nose is a complex structure and changes can occur over time, leading to dissatisfaction with the initial results. One of the main reasons for this deterioration is the use of strictly reductive rhinoplasty, which involves removing excess tissue and cartilage to create a smaller and more refined nose. While this technique may produce immediate results, it can also weaken the structural support of the nose, making it more prone to collapse over time. These changes may not be immediately noticeable, but they can become apparent after 5, 10, or even 20 years.

Patients may start to notice their noses becoming crooked or asymmetrical, or even collapsing in on itself. This can not only affect the appearance of the nose but also cause breathing difficulties and other functional issues. So why does this happen? The nose is made up of delicate structures such as bone, cartilage, and soft tissue. When these structures are altered during surgery, it can disrupt the natural balance and support of the nose. Over time, this can lead to changes in the shape and function of the nose. Another factor that contributes to the deterioration of nose jobs is aging.

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and our facial bones start to shrink. This can cause the nose to appear longer and droopier, making it seem like the initial surgery has deteriorated. In reality, it is just a natural part of the aging process. However, it is important to note that not all nose jobs deteriorate over time. It ultimately depends on the surgical technique used, the skill of the surgeon, and the individual's unique anatomy.

For example, a skilled surgeon who uses a more conservative approach and preserves the structural support of the nose is less likely to see long-term deterioration. So what can be done to prevent or address the deterioration of nose jobs? The best way is to choose a highly experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty. They will have a thorough understanding of the nasal anatomy and how to achieve natural-looking results that will stand the test of time. If you have already had a nose job and are experiencing changes in your nose, revision rhinoplasty may be an option. This procedure involves correcting any structural issues and reshaping the nose to improve its appearance and function. However, it is important to note that revision rhinoplasty is a more complex surgery and should only be performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. In conclusion, nose jobs can deteriorate over time due to various factors such as surgical technique, aging, and individual anatomy.

It is important to choose a qualified surgeon and have realistic expectations about the long-term results of nose surgery. And if you are unhappy with your previous nose job, revision rhinoplasty may be able to help you achieve the nose you desire.

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