The Cost of a Nose Job: Is It Worth It?

One of the biggest concerns of potential rhinoplasty candidates is the cost.

Not everyone has health insurance, and those who do often wonder if they can use their coverage for nose surgery.

Like other cosmetic procedures, medical and health insurance rarely covers elective surgeries, such as rhinoplasties. Often, the consultation includes detailed photographs of the nose to develop a plan for personalized treatment. You may be asked to have a CT scan (based on advice given on some plastic surgery websites, such as this one in Burbank, California), so that the surgeon can detect any problems inside your nose.

If you're worried about rhinoplasty or want to make some improvements to your nose while saving for primary rhinoplasty, non-surgical rhinoplasty with dermal fillers is a great way to get nose surgery easily. Because the nose is the central feature of the face, you can't hide surgical errors or expect anyone to notice them. Ideally, primary rhinoplasty should be so successful that you never need to perform a revision rhinoplasty, and after a healing period of up to two years, your new nose will be everything you've ever dreamed of what would it be. They are also associated with many common medical conditions and health problems, such as nosebleeds, sleep apnea, snoring, loud and oral breathing, hypertrophy of the cornet, nasal valve collapse, cleft palate, nasal polyps, cartilage damage, and fractures.

Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as nose surgery by patients, improves facial harmony and nose proportions. Because nose surgery isn't usually covered by insurance unless it's considered medically necessary, you should be prepared to pay all the costs out of pocket. Surgery may involve altering the bone of the nose, tissue (cartilage), or skin, or all of the above. Septoplasty alone won't improve the aesthetics of your nose, but because a deviated nasal septum is a medical condition that affects your ability to breathe fully through your nose, your health insurance may cover septoplasty.

While your initial interest in having nose surgery may be to correct cosmetic problems, you may be able to use your insurance if the procedure is essential to improving nose function or a related underlying health condition. If you have a deviated nasal septum, the septum (the nasal bone and cartilage that divides your nose in half) takes up extra space in one of your nostrils, making it difficult to breathe. Dermal fillers are injected into the skin to change the shape of the nose, albeit in shape more subtle than in surgery. It is likely to be more expensive, for example, to have nose surgery in a hospital than in the doctor's office.

Miller is an expert in correcting the mistakes made by other surgeons and offering you the nose you want and deserve. So how much does a nose job cost? The answer depends on several factors including where you live and what type of procedure you need. Generally speaking, rhinoplasty can range from $3,000-$15,000 depending on complexity and location. If you're considering getting a nose job but don't have health insurance coverage for it or don't want to use it for cosmetic reasons, there are other options available such as financing plans or payment plans with your surgeon's office.

When considering whether or not to get a nose job it's important to weigh all of your options carefully. While it can be expensive and there are risks involved with any type of surgery, it can also be life-changing for many people who are unhappy with their current appearance. Ultimately it's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not.

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